Keurig K45 B40 Elite Coffee Brewer under $70 – Black Friday Kohl’s Sale Now

Keurig K45 B40 Elite Coffee BrewerDon’t miss the sale on the Keurig Elite Coffee Brewer on sale with Kohl’s Black Friday sales going online now! Avoid the crazies and early morning rush and get the exact same prices then – NOW!

Normally this is over $150 – right now you can get it for $69.99

Here’s how

  • Add the Keurig Elite Coffee Brewer to your cart (reg $150) Sale $99.99
  • Get an extra 15% off with code BLACKFRI   (=$84.99)
  • get your Kohl’s Cash rewards – $15 for every $50 spent so a total of $69.99
  • You get free shipping to (Free shipping with orders over $50)

Keurig Black Friday Sale




38 thoughts on “Keurig K45 B40 Elite Coffee Brewer under $70 – Black Friday Kohl’s Sale Now”

  1. JudyGoodrow

    From what I see, you have to actually pay for the item, THEN after you do, you will get it via email. So, I don’t see anyway for it to be included in this deal.

  2. @Raquel Arbizo From what I see, you have to actually pay for the item, THEN after you do, you will get it via email. So, I don’t see anyway for it to be included in this deal.

  3. @Tomasa N Christopher Saenz From what I see, you have to actually pay for the item, THEN after you do, you will get it via email. So, I don’t see anyway for it to be included in this deal.

  4. @A Thrifty Mom I did the BLACKFRI discount but it seems that you don’t get the Khols cash until AFTER  you pay. Therefore that cant be included in the purchase price.

  5. Ashley Hendley

    Thanks but there is no where to add the discount. It doesn’t even show in the check out page.

  6. Carla Benedick Herberholt

    Thanks for posting all these great deals… I just ordered my very own red Kitchen Aid for only $159.50 (included tax & shipping surcharge). So excited, never thought I’d own a Kitchen Aid.

  7. Winter Elkins

    I think these are a waste I would rather have a whole pot of coffee lol . I do wish we had a khols

  8. A Thrifty Mom

    simply spend $50 with the link above.. for every $50 you spend Kohl’s will give you $15 “Kohl’s Cash” to use online with them

  9. A Thrifty Mom

    Including the Kohl’s Cash and the Discount its $69.99 with free shipping! add a few more items and you’ll get another $15 in Kohl’s cash too!

  10. Halsey Randall

    I saw it in the add a few min ago Angi Nicholas! Sadly, there is not money just laying around..

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