Thanks to Rachel for passing along this coupon policy for Kmart. This gives you all the details you ever wanted to know about the rules to double coupons at Kmart. I heard that they will be having another double promo in early September. But I am not sure what areas will be part of this promo.
Thank you for your recent correspondence. We are always interested in hearing from our customers. We appreciate your interest in our double coupon event. This event is for select participating Kmart locations from 08-30-09 to 09-05-09.
The rules for this event are:
Sears Holdings Corporation Super Double Manufacturer Coupons Up to $2.00 with purchase of $25 or more in grocery & drugstore merchandise Participating stores only.
Amount of credit from doubling a coupon cannot exceed the current retail price of a single item. No cash or in-store purchase credit will be awarded for any amount exceeding the retail price of the item.
Limit 1 coupon for each item purchased.
Only 1 coupon will be doubled per item. You may only purchase 4 of the same item using double coupons. Excludes Buy One, Get One offers, Kmart Savings coupons and Kmart Store coupons. Coupons do not apply to sales tax.
Limit 10 coupons per customer per day.
Offer excludes products prohibited by law, including but not limited to alcohol, tobacco, and prescription medication. Not valid on non-merchandise, federal or state regulated items, prior purchases, Lands’ End, Sears merchandise rung on Sears registers within Kmart In the event of a return, coupon savings may be deducted from the refund. Exclusions apply. Please see store associate for details.
Sears Holdings (Kmart) reserves the right to modify or cancel this program at any time.
Grocery and drugstore items include: all food items, health & beauty, baby diapers, household cleaning supplies, pet foods, detergents, paper goods, shampoos and other beauty items, over the counter medicines such as : Tylenol, aspirin, etc.
10 coupons, per day, per customer may be doubled. Additional coupons will be honored, just not doubled. Customer should choose which 10 they would like doubled.
Again, thank you for your interest in our Kmart Double Coupon Event. We invite you to visit any of the participating stores. Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We appreciate your business and value you as a Sears Holdings customer. We certainly hope you will continue to make Sears Holdings your choice for quality and value.
Shannon M.
Retail Customer Care
Sears Holdings Corporation