Before sales, discounts or coupons this would have cost $31.90
But I was able to get it all for .98 cents
Plus I got back another $3.00 in catalina coupons for the BBQ sauce
I was SO excited with I figured out this deal scenario, all these items are part of the buy 10 get back $5 promo at Albertsons. The BBQ sauce turns out to be free after catalinas ( for details click here) The salad dressing was free after coupons and double coupons, I did pay .50 cents for the marshmallows, and the meat was FREE with the $2.00 off coupons I got from one of my readers in Ohio. I got $2.00 in free meat for every 1 bottle of salad dressing and 2 bottles of BBQ sauce I bought. I paid with $3.00 in catalinas , but them I got back another $3.00 in catlainas.
I did this deal 4 times so I ended up paying a total of $3.92 but I saved $127.6!
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