Thanks to Utah Deal Diva for this info,
I spoke with my contact at Albertson’s and she gave me more information regarding the Kraft Promo:
Here is the correct address you need to mail the rebate form & receipt to:
If you already mailed in your rebate, the Rebate center in Ohio has been instructed to send them back to the Return address, which is Albertson’s corporate in Idaho. They will then forward them along to the Texas address. Please feel free to call 1-877-932-7948 with any concerns.
There are over 1,900 UPC codes that supposedly trigger the $5 catalina & rebate form, however with as many people as we’ve seen NOT have the forms print, I’m just not sure they’re all working! If your $5 coupon or rebate offer does not print, instead of calling Catalina marketing, please call Albertson’s at 1-877-932-7948. They want to be kept informed of any issues shoppers are having. They will help you get the $5 coupon and proper rebate form.
She explained to me how this was (hopefully) going to work, and quite honestly, it’s a mess. All rebate requests WILL be honored, even if you purchased some of the items not listed on the Kraft Shopping list here. However, it’s not clear yet how that will all work and how long it will take. I highly recommend keeping copies of everything you submit and if 6-8 weeks goes by and you still haven’t seen anything, call 1-877-932-7948 to at least make Albertson’s aware that you haven’t received your rebate.
Keeping all this in mind here are my suggestions:
- Shop off the Kraft list. I know, there are less products, but I feel that with all the issues this promo is already having, I want to make my rebate as simple as possible to process.
- Make copies of everything before mailing it in. (This really should be done anytime you submit a rebate!)
- In those records, make note of the day you mailed it in. Also, mark on a calendar what date you should receive your rebate by.
- Keep this Albertson’s number 1-877-932-7948 in your records so you can easily access it should you receive a rejection letter for your rebate.
Again, these are just my suggestions. Everyone I’ve spoken with regarding this promo has been very helpful. Yet the bottom line is, there was some serious miscommunication that occurred at some point and it’s obvious this promo is problematic! I am choosing the safe route- I’ll post some “safe” scenarios shortly!