My SUPER Thrifty Rite Aid Deals

Before sales and coupons these would have cost me $14.08

I was able to get all 16 of them for .67 cents


IMG_1226IMG_1227This week at Rite Aid they have their candy bars on sale for buy one for .88 cents get one FREE…but there is also a manufacturer coupon for buy one get one free up to .85 cents.  If you use the stores discount and the coupon together it makes them two for .3 cents.  I have to tell you I was worried about doing this because I have had trouble in the past with Rite Aid taking my coupons.  If they give me a hard time I tend to just leave with out the items…..I am just a wimp it guess. Anyway, my cashier was super friendly scanned all my coupons and was just as excited about my good deal as I was.  I had a wonderful trip, and it makes me want to try to shop there again.

Some stores or cashiers are fine to let you use the BOGO free sale with the BOGO free coupon …but others refuse.   Here are my thoughts on it. The store is selling you 2 items one of them way over priced to make up for the free item they are giving you.  ( really who pays .88 cents for a candy bar?)  They run the sale like this to make you buy 2 items,  each for .44 cents.  If they had just marked them on sale for .44 cents most of us would only buy one …not 2.  So the BOGO sale moves more product for the store.   So the store is giving you a discount on one.  The Manufacturer coupon is giving you a discount on the other… to parties are coming together both offering a discount, and you just happen to have great timing and used both discounts to your advantage. Remember the store will get paid for the coupon so they are not loosing any money, and you are following the terms of the coupon….allowing a free candy bar up to the value of .85 cents.

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