My Thrifty Albertsons Deals

Before sales, coupon and discounts this would have cost $39.17

I was able to get it all for $3.26


Ritz CrackerFuls $2.99 only $2.49 after the .50 cent discount when you buy 10 promo items

  • use the $1.00 off coupon from 7/12 insert
  • use the Albertsons double
  • final price .49 cents each

I got $4 in free meat for buying the salad dressing, coupons from the store.

Kraft Salad Dressing $1.99 only $1.49 after the .50 cent discount

  • use the $1.00 off coupon from the 6/21 smart source
  • final price .49 cents ( look for the tear pad coupons that give you $1.00 in free produce when you buy 2  OR the tear pads that give you $2.00 in meat when you buy three)
  • or if you use a double coupon it will be FREE ( I had a $1.50 off coupon which made them FREE)

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