Before sales and coupons this would have cost $250.87
I was able to get it all for $13.65
plus I still have $12.00 in catalina coupons, and a $20.00 mail in rebate to send in
I was so busy yesterday, my sister in law Ashly came over to watch my kids so I could go use my double coupons. Then I had to get the kids lunch, naps and spent the rest of the afternoon doing freezer corn. I am just now getting time to sit down and post about my shopping trip yesterday. This sale runs till close tonight. I was able to pay with $15.00 in catalinas from last week, but the rest was all matching coupons with the sales, and double coupons. The only thing I bought that did not have coupons was the eggs, bagels, and doughnuts ( which I paid for with a catalina).
To get the full details of all these sales click my previous posts here, here, here, here and here.