Before sale price, promo, catalinas or coupons this would have cost $80.50
I was able to get it all for $2.76
Plus after 2 transactions I still got back a $10.00 catalina which makes it a money maker
To view the full Match up for Albertsons deals this week click here.
CON AGRA PROMO, spend $25 or more in participating Products, get back a $10.00 catalina
5 differnt Dannon products all $2.00 only $1.20 after catalina (normal price $2.99)
- Crushcups or Coolisions $1.00 off coupon from smart source 2/28
- Dan-O-Nino $1.00 off coupon from Smart Source 2/7 & 2/28
- Final price .20-.45 cents or FREE with twice the value coupons
I did two transactions, 13 of each per transaction to get to the $25 mark…..
- I paid with 13 coupons for ($1.00 off),
- used 3 double coupons which took another $3.00 off,
- paid with $10.00 catlaina from prior purchase.
- Which brought my total down to only $1.38
- after I paid a $10.00 catalina printed.
First off let me say yes, I know this is a lot of yogurt. But we are a family of 5 ( soon to be 6) and will have not problem eating it all up before the use by date. Second, when I was doing my Albertsons Match up post, I saw how cheep the yogurt was going to be so I called my store, and made sure they ordered in tons…and asked to make sure they had 13 of each for me…. The shipment came in yesterday and I went to pick it up… I was not clearing the shelves.
side note- Sarah is due in about 3 weeks, she is snippety at the moment 😉
Yes I had 13 of each coupon, they came twice in the last month, Once again it goes to show that having Multiple Sunday papers for coupon inserts and for Doubles, really pays off. This has been the secret to my saving buying multiple Sunday papers and for only $13 a month it is totally worth it! To find out how to get the Idaho Press Tribune or the Idaho Statesman A Thrifty Mom Paper deal click them.
Before sale price or coupons this would have cost $71.36
I was able to get it all for $3.51
Plus after 5 transactions I still got back a $3.50 catalina…so it was like paying .1 cent for everything!
While I was there I also bought some more fruit snacks ( for my sister who does not have an Albertsons near her) and I used my rain check for the Tuna that was out of stock last week, and was free with double coupons.