Before sale price or coupons this would have cost $135.49
I was able to get it all for $5.54
Well I decided to go out Saturday and use the last of my cereal coupons and use my all my catalinas …..just in case the baby comes ( maybe that is just wishful thinking). I had almost $30 in catlaina coupons from Cereal and Chill promo and I would hate to see them go to waste. The Jimmy Dean products and Simply Orange were bought with a FREE coupon…they wanted me to try our their product. Keep your eyes open for a chance to win some of these coupons later in the week. I also bought 2 large roasts, milk, clorox, non of them had coupons…just items I needed.
- Buy 6 boxes cereal = $9.54
- use 3 coupons for $1.00 off 2 = take off $3.00
- use 3 double coupons = takes another $3.00
- Total will be $3.54
- I then bought a .59 cent candy bar so my total would be over $4.00 so I can pay with the $4.00 catalina from before.
- This brought my subtotal to .13 cents plus .43 cents tax=.56 cents ( for 6 boxes of cereal and candy bar)
- after you pay you will get back another $4.00 catalina
In ad coupon for Save $1.00 on any four Rice a Roni 3.8-7.2 oz, $1.00 each with coupon. (with double .75 cents)
Found Red Cross First Aid tape on clearance for $2.49, used $1.00 coupon and double…final price .49 cents
These Items were bought in 5 transactions, 3 cereal transactions, one for the FREE coupons from manufactures,and one final one to use up all my catalinas.