My Thrifty Albertsons deals

Before sale or coupons this would have cost $88.37

I got it all for $14.22

img_1066I went to the Caldwell Stadium Albertson store, they all know me by name at that store.  I am in there all the time, it is my favorite store to shap at!  Today it totally paid off,  one of the managers saw I was looking at the cereal, he told me he had coupons for free eggs( up to $2.00 in eggs) for every 2 boxes of cereal you buy.  The Cereal is on sale Kelloggs Promo spend $20 in participating items and get an instant $5.00 off at the register, Plus I had $1.00 off coupons that I printed off a few weeks ago. So I got  8 boxes which took the $5.0  off instantly the cereal was .88 cents a box plus I got 4 packs of 18 count eggs for FREE.  I am not sure if all Albertsons have these coupons but I know the Caldwell Stadium store does, just ask Rob or Jared for them. 

The Disani Water 24 pack was on sale for $3.77 which is a great buy….but my store manager also had coupons for $1.00 off.  I had double coupons from the mail ( for being a prefered member) So I decided to use them on the $1 water coupons which made them $1.77 each

Milk is on sale for $1.69 a Gallon

V8 Fussion on sale for $1.88 used $1.00 off coupon from 4/19 smart source, final price .88 cents

The candy was .89 cents buy one get one free.

I paid with $8.00 in catalinas which brought my total down to $14.22

Thanks Albertsons for these Thrifty deals!!!!

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