I only have 4 little tomato plants but they are really starting to give me some yummy tomatoes! We also had, out first yellow squash this week. Sorry we ate it before I could take a photo. So I picked these while the kids were in bed, and left them in the middle of the kitchen table. The next morning I woke up to the kids giggling in their bed room. I went to see them on the top bunk, and tomatoes all over the floor. They just looked and me and said Hi mom we are playing 3,2,1….blast off, and we are shooting the the little balls.
I about lost it, there was tomato guts all over the floor! I wanted to cry, scream or do something but instead I grabbed the ones they had not launched over the bed yet took them to the kitchen. Came came back with rags, carpet cleaner, and made them help me clean it up. All in the day of being a mom I guess…..Next week it will be funny. But this week it still makes me want to hire a nanny…haa haa haa
Its Matt – She really did pop.. it was kind of funny.
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