Nature craft for kids

Nature craft for kids

Using things you find in the world around you can make for some fun and unique Nature craft for kids. There are so many possibilities! This craft is fun for kids young or old. The older they are, the more intricate their designs can become.

Nature craft for kids

This craft is one you can do at home but you can also do it while you are camping, you can also make wooden pins with this cloisonne pins guide. We have done it up in the mountains after taking the kids on a hike around the camping area and getting all kinds of goodies. Be careful while exploring to avoid plants like Poison Ivy.

You will need:

Construction paper
Elmer’s clear glue
Birch bark
Tiny rocks
Wood chips
Grass clippings
Pine needles
or any other finds from outside

Whether at home, the park or camping, take a walk with a grocery bag or something the kids can gather their finds in. Get creative!

1. Choose an animal like a fish, dog, cat, lion, owl, etc.
2. On a separate piece of paper, sketch a picture of what you want your animal to look like.
3. Begin placing the edges of your animal by bending, snapping and glueing your twigs onto the paper.
4. Stare gluing the details onto your animal, like grass clippings or pine needles around the head of the lion for a mane.
5. Glue smaller finding like rocks and wood chips onto the animals face to make eyes, nose, whiskers, etc.
6. Don’t forget ears, snap and glue small twigs onto the animals head for ears.
7. Add any other details your animal might have and let dry.

Let your child pick their favorite animal and then decorate it with their outdoor finds. This is such a good activity for being creative and using their imagination.

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