New info on Albertsons Gas Rewards

gas pump

Thanks to Trina for passing this along,

The other day when I was shopping at Albertsons, I got a print out about Albertsons Gas Rewards.  It states: Effective September 17, 2009: New Gas Rewards will expire 30 days from the date of issuance.  This change will only apply to Gas Rewards earned on or after September 17, 2009.

I normally let my points  add up for a month or two, so I will have to start keeping a closer eye on them so I do not loose my points.  To read more about Albertsons Gas rewards promo click here.

Another heads up on the gas rewards, they have recently started saying a maximum of $1.50 off or 20 gas rewards issuances, whichever is less.  Anything above that is available on the next transaction, etc…well I called customer service and that means you can only use what you earn on 20 transactions at a time.  Therefore, if you’re doing crazy doublers and only buying a few bucks at a time you could conceivably have a max reward of nothing! (it’s unlikely that 20 transactions would total less than $50, that would be less than 2.50 each pre-coupon per transaction, but it’s possible with doublers). Thanks Sarah H.

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