Did you know that Nerf makes a whole line of guns and bows just for GIRLS. They are called Nerf Rebelle and they are rather fun. I posted these last year but thought I would list them again since my girls have them on their wish list this year
Nerf Rebelle Heartbreaker Bow
$18.99 PRICE DROP now $15.79 (was $49) that is 68% off
plus it ships FREE with prime or add another item get to the $35 mark and click the FREE super saver shipping link at checkout.
- Heartbreaker Bow blaster has real bow action
- Blaster fires darts up to 75 feet
- Accessory rail lets you add accessories (sold separately)
- Adjustable sight and removable dart storage accessory
- Includes 5 collectible darts
Nerf Rebelle Pink Crush Blaster
PRICE DROP now $11.99 $14.99
plus it ships FREE with prime or add another item get to the $35 mark and click the FREE super saver shipping link at checkout.
- Pink Crush blaster fires darts up to 75 feet
- 2-in-1 blaster
- Convert the blaster to a crossbow with the crossbow arm
- Includes 4 darts
- Blaster comes with crossbow attachment and 4 darts
Nerf Rebelle Dart Refill Pack
$10.99 PRICE DROP now $9.55 while supplies last
plus it ships FREE with prime or add another item get to the $35 mark and click the FREE super saver shipping link at checkout.
- Dart Refill Pack includes 12 Rebelle darts
- Foam darts come in 6 stylish patterns
- Includes 12 darts
Nerf Rebelle Sweet Revenge Dart Kit
- Holster attaches to belts, bags or packs
- Darts load and fire easily from the blaster’s 5-dart rotating barrel
- Sweet Revenge kit includes a blaster, holster and darts
- Includes Vision Gear
- Comes with 5 darts
Nerf Rebelle Guardian Crossbow Blaster
$16.18 (was $37.99)
- Guardian Crossbow blaster fires darts up to 75 feet
- 6-dart rapid blasting with flexing bow arms
- Auto-rotating 6-dart launcher
- Pull slide back and pull trigger to fire
- Includes 6 darts
Nerf Rebelle Power Pair Pack
$10.98 PRICE DROP – $8.46 now (was $14.99)
plus it ships FREE with prime or add another item get to the $35 mark and click the FREE super saver shipping link at checkout.
- Power Pair pack includes 2 blasters, one for you and one for a BFF
- Compact blasters fit in a purse or pocket
- Darts load and fire easily
- Store darts in each blaster
- 4 collectible darts
You can take advantage of FREE Shipping with Prime and get it in two days… remember you can try prime for FREE for 30 days. NOW is a great time to try it and get all your Christmas shipped FREE and with 2 day mail.
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Thank you! 🙂
Absolutely NO where in this post does it say that a girl ‘CAN’T’ shoot a regular colored Nerf gun!!! The post (although does say boys too) is just following the marketing strategy of Nerf when they finally created a gun geared towards the female gender. Same as the Easy Bake Oven who just came out with a blue oven in addition to their purple one.
How politically correct do you want people to be? Girls can shoot any color Nerf guns they want. My son (7 yrs. old) wouldn’t be caught dead holding a pink Nerf gun. In the minds of the people marketing a PINK Nerf gun, I am sure they geared it toward girls because of the color of it. Geesh! People take offense at everything nowadays. It is exhausting to have to watch every little thing you say now. People need to get bent out of shape over IMPORTANT issues, not stupid colors of a Nerf gun & who & who cannot shoot it. UGH!
Glad you added boys too! Wouldn’t want to offend anyone;) my daughter loves hers, btw.
Don’t forget the replacement bullets 🙂
Great deals on these
So silly that a girl can’t shoot a regular nerf gun, it has to be pink…ugh…
Got one for my niece so she can defend herself from her two brothers.
My walmart had these and it was cheaper there.
Mandy Wadsworth
Thanks for the great money saving posts! Had to laugh that people are actually offended by your posts instead of bring thankful.
I think if it is a “non gender” based household it would be your kid or child and not daughter, right?
Thank you for the countless hours you spend posting deals for all of us! I think it is important for all of us to remember that you are helping us save money! Whether we like the idea of a pink nerf gun or not.. A Thrifty Mom is not the one manufacturing the guns! They are just showing us the deal! Buy it or don’t. Complain to Nerf if you have a problem with the color of the gun. 🙂
Pink for girls is JUST a SUGGESTION people! My 5 yr old daughter would go for the pink “girly” colors all the way. My 3 yr old daughter, however, would pick blue over pink any day. The difference is….I don’t get offended by the simple wording of a blog/facebook post.
My daughter was super excited when we saw a commercial for this PINK nerf gun! About time nerf came out with it!! And upgraded their commercials to include girls now too!
Yes! I have a daughter that would LOVE this pink nerf gun! Thank you!
I love Nerf guns! Will get my daughter the traditional one. She’d call a pink one “disgusting” and think it’s only for princesses. We have a non-gender based household. Daughter just turned 7, and she still loves what she loves regardless of which gender it’s marketed for. I hope she continues to be her own thinker regardless of what those around her are telling her.
There are a lot of girls who can’t stand pink, and a lot of boys who love it. Please don’t force colors on a certain gender.
get them while you can they are hard to ccome by
Yes, her listed prices are different on some of the items.
My daughter was a toy tester for the Heart Breaker Bow and I have to say my 8yr old loves this toy. you have to put the dart in just right or they won’t fly out at all. If the dart is in just right and you aim the arrow up the dart can fly realy good. One went on the neighbors roof.
I’m so excited about this I got my lil’ girl one for Christmas and I can’t wait to play with it!!!
Walmart has the best prices but toys r us will price adjust and they seem to have more in stock!
Erin- these look like fun!!
Prices are more expensive than you listed 54 minutes ago
Check Walmart the $20+ one is 9.99
Frank Vanessa Garcia
I wanted to order but when you click on it different prices come up and way more expensive
Lee Anna Webb
I don’t think people are saying now it’s okay for a girl. If you read the comments you will see they say their daughters play with the other ones that aren’t pink. We do not stereo type our kids, but my daughter likes pink so she will be happy to have a pink gun. Just because a girl likes pink doesn’t mean her parents stereo typed her.
I don’t understand why something has to be pink for a parent to say oh I guess its ok for a girl. I wasn’t limited by stereo type & I don’t limit my daughters or my sons.
My daughter has no problem playing with her brothers’ guns but she would flip over these! I had no idea they made them.
Rosalin Acevedo Garcia look!!! I think Abby and Kira would love these hee hee
we LOVE the pink ones and the light blue
My daughter plays with standard Nerf guns, no need for frilly girl colors.
you can get the crossbow at Costco for 16.99!
These are hot items this year. Everyone was sold out yesterday of the bow except Amazon
They could have gone up in price again…. you have to act fast prices are always changing on amazon 🙁
🙂 awesome
Michelle Long Jen Boling
Am i not seeing sonething right? like the refill darts arent showing the marked down price
lol 🙂
some of them are blue
Why does everything have to be pink? Aren’t girls allowed to like other colors?
They have features my son wishes the regular guns have lol
My daughter has no idea. She is going to be five in a few days and I can’t wait! She always plays with her brother’s nerf guns and now she is going to have one in her favorite color. She is going to be in Heaven! 😀
“Because girls like to shoot too” ‘Murica
🙂 it is about time they made them in pink…. thirty years ago I was shooting with my brothers gun and loved it…. pink would have ROCKED
I got this for my daughter can’t wait for her to open it on her birthday! 😀