Readers Deals


I just wanted pass this along.  I got 6 sets of doublers for Albertsons today. At around 3:00 I went into the Albertsons on Cherry and Meridian Rd and there was a salesman for the Idaho Statesman at the front and he started talking to me about the paper and saw I was a couponer and opened an envelop FULL of the doublers and asked how many I wanted. I said 3 or 4 and he gave me 6!! I saw him in this same Albertsons a few days ago but avoided him, so he may be back. I just wanted to pass this along. I went to 5 different Abertsons today and spent $6.86 on all the stuff pictures, before preferred and coupons would have been $60.32.
 Thanks for passing this along Shanda

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