About a month ago Sara Lee offered $3 off coupons if you became a fan on facebook. The coupons went quick, but if you printed them, here is a great way to use them! Thanks to Jennifer for passing this along!
I wanted to let you know about a pretty good deal at Albertson’s. In the Sunday Albertson’s ad there are a bunch of in-store coupons. There is one for the Sara Lee deli meat for $5 off when you purchase 3. Here’s what I did:
- 3 packages @ $5.99/ea = $17.97
- – $5 in-store coupon
- – 3 $3/1 printable coupons
- = $3.97 for 3 or $1.33/each
They are 10 oz. so the “per pound” price is $2.13 which is not too bad for deli meat!