Readers Thrifty Find at WInco

Thanks to Tammy for passing this along,

While at Winco in Twin Falls today I came across the Orville Redenbock popcorn 100 cal mini packs they were on sale for 98 cent for a 10 pack. It was compairing Albies and Freddy’s for around $5.  Anyway we got coupons for 50 cents off a couple of weeks back. We dont usually buy Microwave popcorn so the kids are super excited to get their very own bag of popcorn for our movie night tomorrow. Not sure is your area has it or not but I scored a few bags.

There was also a coupon in the December All you magazine for $1.00 off which would make these FREE.  Please note that Wincos prices vary greatly from store to store.  SO I would not make a special trip looking for this, but if you happen to be at Winco it is worth looking for.

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