Thanks to Alyssia for passing this along,
Just a head’s up with something that my Albertson’s has been doing to prevent coupon fraud. I went to Albertson’s the other day (Meridian and Fairview), and the cashier was super nice, but she said that she couldn’t take my coupon because there was no water mark on it. My printer had run out of color ink, so apparently there was no water mark on it. In talking with Jeff, the store director (who was also very nice), he said that due to the number of fradulent coupons that are out there, they have told their cashiers to uphold this policy. However, he said that the watermark should still print, even if it is printed in black and white. So, you may want to make sure your coupons have watermarks on them so that you know your coupons aren’t fraudulent and so your store will accept them (the big websites like, redplum, etc. always have watermarks).
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