Remember to Play Nice…

play nice

I got this email and thought it was worth posting,

Yesterday I went to the Walgreens on Linder Rd while they were re-stocking and asked about the Dove body was for men.  I was told that they had just stocked 100 of them and they were wiped out by two couponers who came in together!  I’m guessing they also wiped out the Huggies too, because they apparently were rolling back and forth between the body was and the diapers.  That’s 50 bottles of body wash each!!  Totally crazy and unacceptable.  I was told by a manager that this was one of the few stores in the area that had received a large shipment, but all of it was gone – to TWO people!  I’d gone in on Sunday morning and bought two, leaving two for the lady that was right behind me, and both of us were feeling a little bad for taking the last ones.  If there are only a few, I don’t feel too bad about taking the last ones, but what these ladies did was unacceptable!  Please people, have some consideration and respect for others.

I have told you before that stocking up on an item at a good price is a good idea.  BUT some stores are better to stock up at, than others.  All it takes is a few greedy people to spoil the deal for everyone else.  Walgreens is a great place to find a deal…but is limited to the stock they receive.   They have great deals all the time so …get a few soaps for free, then wait and a few weeks later you will be able to get a few more on another deal.  Over time you will build you stockpile and have more than enough to provide for you and your friends.  There is no need to clear the shelf….a good deal is always around the corner.

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