Rocking the 80’s Side Pony ~ Wordless Wednesday

80's side pony tail

Yesterday I was getting my 5 year old ready for dance class.  She had braids in her hair but they were starting to fall out, so I took them out which left her hair wavy.  I asked her if she wanted the standard pony tail in the back, like normal.  She looks in the mirror, grabs her hair pulls it to the side and says..

“I want a Poofy Pony Tail on the side like this, its fancy that way”

I laugh and say, “Oh dear we are rocking the 80’s today”

She then asks, ” Mom what are the 80’s, I like em”80's side pony tail

wordless wednesday

4 thoughts on “Rocking the 80’s Side Pony ~ Wordless Wednesday”

  1. IngardRueda

    Now for a pair of leg warmers and she is all set… Oh THAT is right people are using those now too.

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