The best $55 I ever spent

dentistToday I spent 2 hours at the dentist…..First off let me tell you I hate going to the dentist.  My dentist is a great person, and they have a wonderful office staff but I hate to have my mouth worked on.  All that metal scraping around, and drilling is enough to make me go mad.  I was not always this way….but after one bad trip about 8 years ago I am terrified they will hit a nerve again.

I have 2 teeth that have been causing me porblems the last few years and it was finally time to get crowns on both of them. I have put off  getting them fixed because I am so scared of the dentist. I have been so stressed about this appointment it is not even funny.  Everyone tells me if I have such a fear, I should get the “happy gas” during my appointment to help take the edge off.  Well gas is an extra $55, and it seems like we never have an extra $55 so I always go without. Plus I did not think it would really make much off a difference.  But today I decided that 2 long hours and 2 crowns was more than I could handle.

Now you need to know that I prefer to not take any medication at all….I do not even like taking Tylenol.  So even caffeine gives me a buzz.  All I wanted was for the ” happy gas” to take the edge off…….it took the edge off and took me for a ride. Oh my word I got so warm and fuzzy and was in total  “la la land”.  It was the best 2 hours ever, all the drilling and grinding  did not even bother me.  I kept thinking this is the best $55 I have ever spent.  From now on when Matt asks me what I want for my birthday or Christmas I am going to tell him “happy gas” at the dentist office!

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