Five Reasons Why I Let My Kids Enjoy, The Great Big Toy”R”Us Book Of Awesome. 2015 #AwesomeMoment

ToysRUs 2015 Christmas book, 5 reasons I let my kids enjoy The Great Big ToyRUs Book Of Awesome

Do you let your kids look at the Toys”R”Us toy book when it comes out each year before Christmas? I know some parents toss it in the trash before the kids can even see it, but here are Five Reasons Why I Let My Kids Enjoy The Great Big Toy”R”Us Book Of Awesome.

You should have received your very own copy in this Sundays (11/1) newspaper. If you did NOT get one, you can visit your local store to get your very own copy, or view it online!

You can watch a fun 3 minute video here on some of the fun inside this years book.

ToysRUs 2015 Christmas book, 5 reasons I let my kids enjoy The Great Big ToyRUs Book Of Awesome

  1. THE PERFECT ONE ~ I have 5 kids and finding the perfect gift for each child can be a little tricky. I sometimes feel like I am guessing at what they might like.  But allowing them to look over the whole book and listening to them, helps me see what their interests are, and what items they are drawn too.  I can then help them narrow down what might be the best fit for them by looking up reviews and products details of their favorite items. My kids LOVE it when I sit down with them and do simple things like this. All snuggled up in a blanket talking about toys…. so simple, but very powerful.  Any time you show interest in your child and what makes them happy is time well spent!

2. ALWAYS LEARNING ~ Getting my kids to love to read is a daily goal, but sitting down and reading is not always fun. It often feels like work when they are first learning.  But sitting down and sounding out the names of your favorite toys is FUN, they do not even know they are learning. Instead they are just exploring and learning in the process.

3. BUDGET ~ My kids are like most and if they had the opportunity they would want pretty much everything in this catalog. But it is my job as a parent to help them understand what things cost and the value of a dollar. When my kids watch a commercial or play with a toy at a friends house they have no idea how much it might cost, they just know they want it.   Having the prices on the toys helps my kids understand how much things cost, and how long they might have to save to purchase a particular item, and if they feel this the price is worth saving for.

4. LET THEM DREAM ~ This book is filled with over 1000 toys, so many exciting toys to pick from. My kids can literally spend hours looking at every single item in this book. As they look at each toy they talk about why they would or would not like it. Many of these items they might WANT yet they know they won’t get. For example my 8 year old daughter wants the Monster Deadluxe High School on page 42, but she also knows we don’t have space for it in our house. But that is ok, she is dreaming about how fun it would be to get. Or my son  is also dreaming about getting the $699.99 Razor Crazy Cart XL on page 82, sure it would be fun but a little out of budget. Yet if they really want these items, lets figure out how to SAVE for it and make that dream happen.  Much like me looking at the real estate catalog for a cabin in the woods…. most likely never going to happen but it sure is FUN to dream.

5. FREE GIFT $10 Gift Card ~ on page 4 there is a coupon for a free $10 gift card from Toys”R’Us when you purchase $75 or more. Coupon valid 11/1/2015 thru 11-21/2015.  See coupon for details and exclusions. Saving on things you are already going to buy is always a good thing!

New this year

Toys”R”Us has introduced an augmented reality experience through which kids are able to bring their favorite toys from The Great Big Toys“R”Us Book of Awesome to life within The Geoffrey Shuffle app game.

In the palm of a hand, kids can examine their favorite toys by zooming-in to see intricate details, spinning or walking around pages of the interactive edition of The Great Big Toys“R”Us Book of Awesome for different angles or capturing photos of their favorite toys within the game.

To play, using an interactive edition of The Great Big Toys“R”Us Book of Awesome  players should look for a “Golden Geoffrey Coin”, located at the bottom corners of the book’s pages. Once located, hold a smart phone or tablet over the respective page and the game will begin loading. The game encourages players to find Geoffrey as he and two other kid-favorite licensed characters, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Barbie, Darth Vader and more,  hide in shuffled gift boxes.

You can watch my kids playing with the app here.

Upon completing the game, players can enter Geoffrey’s Awesome Christmas Sweepstakes for a chance to win awesome prizes, including

a $2,000 Toys“R”Us Gift Card and a Beaches® Resorts Luxury Included® Vacation.

enter Geoffrey’s Awesome Christmas Sweepstakes for a chance to win awesome prizes, including a 2,000 Toys“R”Us Gift Card and a Beaches Resorts Luxury Included Vacation

Disclosure this is a sponsored post with Toys”R’Us, all opinions are my own.

11 thoughts on “Five Reasons Why I Let My Kids Enjoy, The Great Big Toy”R”Us Book Of Awesome. 2015 #AwesomeMoment”

  1. Michele Ertter Brosius

    When I worked in daycare the kids went nuts with the toy books. They were on the book shelf all year long!

  2. David Murphy

    I can’t wait to read it! I know when I was a kid, I couldn’t wait for the Toys ‘R’ Us book to come out every year!!

  3. Mary Long Hoover

    Yes! My son just cut up ours to make a “collage” of his faves. Def helpful to the gift givers!

  4. JonnaBeth Richardson

    This reminds me of when I was a kid and I would spend so much time going through the JC Penney catalog marking everyhing I wanted! I wouldn’t mind one bit of my kids each wanted one of their own to look through and dream!

  5. Melissa White

    My kids grabbed this pretty much as soon as I pulled it out of the mailbox and I haven’t seen it since :O LOL

  6. Tara Jenson

    Every year! I get them each one so they can have their own to look through. It helps tremendously to have an idea of what they want. 🙂

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