I always tell people that when you coupon, you need to re-learn how to shop. Most of us make a list of things we need, go to the store and buy what is on the list. When you shop like this you are forced to pay the price the store has them marked. If you need that item, you do not really have much choice but to pay what the store is asking for that item. One of the keys to being a successful coupon shopper is to learn to stock up on items your family needs at there lowest price point. Stock up when you find the perfect sale, that pairs with a great coupon, many times you are able to get that item free or pennies on the dollar. Instead of buying one jar of peanut butter, go ahead and buy 6. You can now take those 6 jars of peanut butter home, put them in your pantry. Your pantry will soon be filled with items that you bought at their lowest price point. You now have the freedom to not buy peanut butter again till it is at a price you are willing to pay.
This is why having multiple coupons is such an import key to saving money. If peanut butter comes on sale for $1.00 a jar and you have a .75 cent off coupon, you are able to get that jar for only .25 cents. But that one jar will not last very long, so in a few weeks you will need to buy it again at regular price. If you have 6 coupons them you are able to buy 6 jars, at their lowest price point. For the same price it will cost you for one jar at regular retail price. I am very busy and I do not have time to run to the store for one jar at a good price, but if I can get 6 jars at a good price then it is worth my time.
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