Thanks to Michelle for passing along her good deals,
I’m so happy about my purchases today and wanted to share with you.
I volunteered to be in charge of buying & bringing everything for making smores to our church’s Family Camp this summer. So I was excited to see the great sale at Albertsons today.
Here’s what I got in multiple transactions:
Each transaction was like this:
3 boxes Honey Maid graham crackers ($2.49 ea.)
3 packages Marshmallows ($1.00 ea.)
3 packages Hershey’s chocolate bars ($3.00 ea.)
-Hershey’s promotion save $3.00
-Hershey’s promotion save $3.00
-Hershey’s promotion save $3.00
-$1.00 manufacturer coupon (from last week’s insert, or Kraft online coupons, or coupon, or tearpad at the store)
-$1.00 manufacturer coupon (from last week’s insert, or Kraft online coupons, or coupon, or tearpad at the store)
-$1.00 manufacturer coupon (from last week’s insert, or Kraft online coupons, or coupon, or tearpad at the store)
-$1.00 Albertson’s double coupon
-$1.00 Albertson’s double coupon
-$1.00 Albertson’s double coupon
=$4.92 !!!
I did this transaction 4 times today and so I spent a total of $19.68 for 12 boxes of graham crackers, 12 bags of marshmallows & 12 packages of chocolate bars!!! . I loaded them up in this Rubbermaid tub so they’ll keep well and be ready to throw in the van when it is time to go to camp! What a blessing this is to be able to bless so many people at our church camp without breaking the budget.
Just so your readers know, I didn’t buy all of these at one store or in one transaction. I went to 3 different stores, and did multiple transactions at one store. All of the stores were very well stocked & one even had a tearpad of coupons there and I only used a couple of those, the rest were coupons I had clipped myself or printed off myself. I wanted to make sure everyone else could do this deal for their campouts too!
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