Thrifty deal on EPT Test


Thanks to Alli for passing this along

  • While getting our deals at Walgreens, we happened upon a really thrifty find. My husband and I are trying to get pregnant, and pregnancy tests are normally really expensive. We found EPT single tests on sale for $3.59 (normally they’re more than $10.) There were also peelies for $1 off, making them $2.59 each!!

  • Kristie found a deal similar to this at her  local Walgreens. A pack of 2 EPT tests were on clearance for $3.79 and she had a coupon for $4.00 off. It was a moneymaker!

You can print a $3  coupon from here: IE or Firefox.

Save $5 off any e.p.t. product printable IE or Firefox or Safari ( thanks Sarah and Natalie)

I have to agree that is a a great price for a pregnancy test, I tend to get mine at the dollar store because I can’t stand to pay that much!  They have always  worked great for me, not near as nice as the EPT test but they do work.

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