Another great Toys R Us Doorbuster special.
Get Star Wars action figures for only $4.75 each on Friday and Saturday only.
The doorbuster price is only 2 for $11.99. Here is the deal:
Buy 4 Star Wars Action Figures $23.98
Use $5.00 wyb $20 of Star Wars products by Hasbro printable
Final Price: $4.75 each when you buy 4
These regularly sell for $7.99 each
Thanks Living Rich with coupons!
Saving your Cents had this great deal too…
Toys R Us has Mr. Potato Heads on sale for $3.99 (Friday from 3pm until Midnight and on Saturday from 7am until 1pm.)
- use the $2/1 coupon here that will make them only $1.99 each!
- Tip: Prefer Target? If your Target price matches Toys R Us…you can get it there too!