Thanks to PurposeFullyMom for passing this along. She was able to get some really good deals!
Cost was just under $12.00 for all of this!
12 boxes Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn .64 cents/box -use 1$ off 2 and
buy them on clearance!
11 packets of Tide-free- use coupons from Sunday papers for any size
Tide product and buy travel sizes
2 packs of baby wipes -free- click here for a coupons(this is a good
gift for a local shelter/PCC/church/family in need/Christmas Child
4 packages of Kotex liners-.25 cents/box use 1$ of 2 any size Kotex
liners coupons from Sunday papers and buy travel sizes
2 packages of Halls cough drops-aprrox. .50 cents/bag use 1$ off 2
coupon from Sunday papers (at Target these are .97 cents/bag)
4 packages of Rayovac Batteries-free-use 1$ off coupon from sunday papers
1 package of TomCat mouse traps-I’m not sure of the cost of
this..Jeremy picked it up.-use .55 cents off 1 item from sunday wasn’t on sale, but we needed it! yuk!
1 bar of Olay Moisturizing Soap-free- use 1$ off any 1 Moisturinzing
Olay item and buy travel size
1 package of razors.$.97cents/bag!-use $2.00 off 1 item from sunday
paper-at Walmart they are 2.97–I paid .97 cents!
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