Thrifty Diaper Deal

Thanks to Julie for passing this info along,


 I don’t know if you’ve ever used but I just did for the first time and am pretty excited about it  so I just wanted to share the deal with you = ) When you are a first time customer you can get ten dollars off your first order of 49 dollars or more by using the coupon code -ten. You also get free 2 day shipping and don’t have to pay tax. I just ordered a Luvs XL Case Diapers – Size 3 – 204 ct and a Luvs Big Packs sz 3 108 ct my total after the ten dollar discount was just under 46$ for 312 size 3 diapers. That equals out to 14 cents per diaper. Im a pretty new mom but I thought that was a good deal for diapers or maybe I just usually overpay. They also have a lot of online manufactures coupons that you can click on and apply to your order or, if you want you can mail in your manufactures coupons to them and they will apply them to your account and have them waiting for you to apply when you order. I thought this was neat because when ever I find good deals online I wish I could apply my coupons to them and this way you can. Also when you become a member you become part of their referral program and can earn money for each order people you refer makes which I think is anice bonus. Anyways just thought I would share.