Not sure if this is a Thrifty Garden or just a good time with our kids…
Last night we spent some time prepping our new starts for our garden. Now that we have a big back yard, we are planning for a huge garden. We have everything from a couple pumpkins, to herbs, to 2 dozen plants of corn. Of coarse we have tomatoes, snap peas, beans, all kind of peppers, cantaloupe, watermelon, and many different squash.
First we filled the trays, with some potting soil that we prefer. Update the trays are from Walmart. They have the paper inserts and clear green house lids included.
Then we used tongue depressors to make the small holes to plant the seeds
Then planted a couple seeds per hole, to make sure at least one will grow.
Now every night the kids have a job to do. Now they can go and water their plants to help them grow. It was a fun night with the family. And sure to make a huge savings in our fruit and vegetable budget.
Matt did this post, I told him to leave my photo out, can you tell I am 8 months pregnant and ready to be done soon . Oh well little Matthew sure looks happy! They all were so excited about their plants!