Thrifty & In Love – 28 Days of Random Acts of Love….. day 3

Each day we will be posting A THRIFTY & IN LOVE TIP from one of our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those Random Acts of Love  tips  and experiences coming!!! What are your ideas? What are your experiences at the 28 Days of Random Acts of Love – good or bad… (photos are always fun too)

Please submit your comments on this post HERE, or to our email with the  word Thrifty & In Love  on the subject line.

Thanks to Aussielloyd for these tips,

I have done 14 days of random acts of kindness beginning on Feb 1 and ending on Feb 14th. Here are some of my thrifty ideas:
1) a letter written with conversation hearts (you can be very sensual if you want)
2) sidewalk chalk on his parking spot (you could do this at his job site or parking place at work or home)
3) CD of “your songs” and romantic music. I photo copies a picture of me and added a title for the CD cover and on the disc (you can buy CD stickers)
4) Lipstick kisses on his truck/car window with a little message
5) surprise him at work with dessert and/or lunch
6) a note in his lunch, shower, and/or planner
7) I had one of my kids trace my body on butcher paper, sprayed it with my perfume, and wrote a cute poem on the cut out of myself and put it in his truck
Kisses and Hug candies in the shower (you could tape them all inside his vehicle.
9) I mailed him a letter and then sent him to get the mail that day
10) Made his favorite dinner and made sure something was in the shape of a heart with the saying “Your Name + Husbands Name = t.l.a (true love always)
11) made one of those paper fortune tellers that had very very nice things in the fortune part (remember making these in school?)
12) I blind folded him and took him to a special place of ours (could be a park, ice cream store, Mountains…somewhere close)
13) Sent him a fun text message and then I went to his work and gave him a heart attack on his truck (when you put hearts all over the place with sayings (quotes, things you love, funny gestures)
14) had my neighbor watch the children and I made a romantic dinner for just him. I had a pillowcase made with my picture on it so whenever he goes out of town he can take it with him and pretend I am sleeping next to him. I then also wrote a letter that had all the reason why I love him!
** you could make all these more extravagant if you want. I was on a tight tight budget last year and so these are the ones that I came up with!

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