Each day we will be posting A THRIFTY & IN LOVE TIP from one of our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those Random Acts of Love  tips  and experiences coming!!! What are your ideas? What are your experiences at the 28 Days of Random Acts of Love – good or bad… (photos are always fun too)

Please submit your comments on this post HERE, or to our email with the  word Thrifty & In Love  on the subject line.


On Valentines Day – we like to go to his work and give his car a Heart Attack we cut up tons of hearts and put them all over his car.
Take a Jar – and write all the reasons you love him or fell in love with him. Sometimes we all need reminded.


Read “Love and Respect” Emerson Eggrichs and talk about it. I had been married to my husband and best friend for about 17 years and learned some things that have made a huge difference in our marriage. It can get better and better.

Ashley Cope

Today I let my husband go on a golfing outing with his brother. Golfing is his 2nd passion in life. His first is me, so I was happy to give him me time cuddles this morning, and golf the rest of the afternoon He came home so happy, and just seeing his happy face when he got home made me happy. Two happy people = a happy marriage. And yes, he lets me do things I want to do to.


I put little notes in his lunch cooler so at lunch time he gets a little reminder that I love him!!


First, I always set out out my husbands work clothes for him before I go to bed at night, and fill up the coffee maker so all he has to do is hit the switch. Then every night after he gets home I try to think of 3 different things to compliment him on throughout the evening. At first it was hard to think of different things but then it starts to come very naturally.