Thrifty Lego Party Decor, Make a Lego Head! #Lego #LegoParty

Lego head - Thrifty Lego Party Decor, #thrifty, #partydecor, #lego, #legoparty, #easydecorations, #legomovieparty, #easycraft,#thriftycraft,#quickcraft, #partyplanning

Thrifty Lego Party Decor, Make a Lego Head!

We love Legos!  So much so that for my son’s 9th birthday party he wanted a Lego Movie theme.  I couldn’t have been happier because Legos are so fun, and easy!

You will need:

  • A large snack container
  • Yellow spray paint
  • something to take the label off with
  • Sharpie or black vinyl for the face

Lego head - Thrifty Lego Party Decor, #thrifty, #partydecor, #lego, #legoparty, #easydecorations, #legomovieparty, #thriftycraft, #easycraft,,#quickcraft, #partyplanning

Our lovely container had this super sticky label on it that was impossible to get off!  I started off by placing it in hot water for a few minutes and let the water get it softened.  I then used a scrub brush and brushed off the rest of the label.

Lego head - Thrifty Lego Party Decor, #thrifty, #partydecor, #lego, #legoparty, #legomovieparty, #easycraft,#easydecorations,#thriftycraft,#quickcraft, #partyplanning

Once I had the label off, I used cotton balls and a little bit of nail polish remover to get the rest of the sticky residue off of the container.  It wasn’t perfect, and was still discolored, but since I was spray painting it, that was ok.  Just make sure to get the sticky off.

Lego head - Thrifty Lego Party Decor, #thrifty, #partydecor, #lego, #easydecorations, #legoparty, #legomovieparty, #easycraft,#thriftycraft,#quickcraft, #partyplanning

Next, give it a couple of thin coats of spray paint and let it dry.  I left the lid on because I planned on it just being a centerpiece, if you are planning on using it with the lid off, you will want to take the lid off to make sure you get coverage on the whole thing.  And then spray the lid separately.

One you are done and it is dry, cut out the face from black vinyl or simply draw it on using a sharpie.  That is it!  Another perfect, thrifty Lego craft for the Lego lover in your life.

Lego head - Thrifty Lego Party Decor, #thrifty, #partydecor, #lego, #legoparty, #easydecorations, #legomovieparty, #easycraft,#thriftycraft, #quickcraft, #partyplanning

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