The Frugal Girls were kind enough to send this Thrifty Fall Craft! Sarah just loves it! Enjoy:
I love everything about Fall, but especially love pulling out all the festive decorations for our home!
A few years ago, my little guy made the cutest pumpkin craft ~ a Toilet Paper Pumpkin…
It becomes our table centerpiece each fall, and it was so simple to make!
Here’s how you can make one of your own…
What you’ll need:
- 22″ x 22″ square of fall patterned cotton fabric
- 1 Double Roll of Toilet Paper
- 1 yard thin rope or paper cord
- Batting 14″ by 14″ square {or paper towels can be substituted}
- 1 brown paper grocery bag
- Tape {hot glue can also be used}
- 2 silk fall leaves
Lay out the fabric and batting. Place toilet paper roll in the middle.
*If you don’t have batting, you can substitute semi-crumpled up paper towels to add texture.
Begin pulling up the fabric and tucking it down into the center of the toilet paper roll.
Once it has all been wrapped up, it will look like this…
Now, you’ll want to take a brown paper bag and cut out a section that is 12″ long by 4.5″ wide.
Roll it up and then tape it.
Take the rope or paper cord and twist around the “stem”. You can tape the ends of the cord, or hot glue it on. It will look like this…
Insert the ‘stem’ down into the middle of the toilet paper roll.
Add the two silk fall leaves, and you’re done!! So simple, and so adorable… for years to come!