Thrifty Thanksgiving Centerpieces ~ With Hurst Ham beens

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Thrifty Thanksgiving Centerpieces

Are you hosting Thanksgiving this year?  I think for many of us, we don’t think about what we will put on the table to dress it up.  We are too busy thinking about what we are going to put on the table to eat!  Lets face it, once you have spent the money on the feast, there isn’t a lot left over for accessorizing.  These center pieces are simple, attractive, and you can use all of the products again for something else.  No worries of hot gluing your Mason jars.  Just pull out what you have and its easy clean up when the meal is over!

What you will need:

Wide mouth pint size jars

Hurst Ham beens 15 bean soup (1 bag did 2 jars for me)

LED tea light candles


Embellishments you may want to add to the outside of your jar.  Could be buttons, leaves, ribbon, whatever fits your decor

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Begin by wrapping some twine around the mouth of your jar.  Wrap it several times, until it looks good to you.  I went around about 15 times.  Tie in a knot or a bow.  The twine doesn’t like to tie, I discovered, but if you double knot it, that should help. I frayed the ends of mine a little by just playing with it between my fingers.  If you would like to add embellishments, now is the time.   Be sure that you glue them only to the twine if you want to use your jar for other things later.

Pour in about half a bag of your dry bean soup.  Make sure you leave room for your tea light.  Half a bag filled up to almost the rim for me.  Pretty much the perfect spot.

thrifty Thanksgiving centerpieces, #thrifty, #thanksgiving, #centerpieces,  #fall, #thriftydecor, #thanksgivingtablescape,#thriftycrafts

Top with an LED tea light.  I found some with glitter!  I love sparkle, and thought it added a little something to this simple craft.  Now your centerpiece is ready.  Its safe (no flame), attractive and reusable.  Pat yourself on the back for being thrifty and pulling off a beautifully decorated table!

Thanksgiving centerpiece, #thanksgiving, #tablescape, #centerpiece, #thriftyThanksgiving, #thriftydecor, #Thanksgivingtable, #beans, #candle, #decorations, #thriftycraft, #craft

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