Trim the Table, Trim the Budget Thanksgiving challenge

Walmart provided me with a $50.00 gift card and a Trim the Table, Trim the Budget This Thanksgiving challenge.   In this video I give you a few thrifty tips on how I make my Thanksgiving a little more thrifty.   Hope you enjoy watching the video.

Thrifty Thanksgiving tips:

  • Do not take on the cost or preparation for the whole meal alone.  We have always shared in the meal planning and everyone brings part of the meal.
  • If you are on a tight budget go with a simple recipe with less ingredients.  Or offer to bring one of the sides that does not cost as much to make.  Like mashed potatoes, you can get a whole bag  of potatoes  for around $1.00.  Cook them up  add a little butter, milk and you have a wonderful side that did not break the bank.
  • Stock up through out the year on your pantry basics, at their lowest price point, that way when you have  large meal like Thanksgiving you already have most he items on hand.  This will make a huge difference on your out of pocket when preparing the menu.
  • You do not have to “always” be thrifty and paying extra for special traditional family recipes is ok!
  • Don’t be afraid to buy store brand,  notice I bought Great Value butter, cream cheese, sour cream, seasoning…just as good, but cost less!
  • If your family won’t eat something, don’t let it go to waste.  For example we do not care for dark meat so instead of buying the whole turkey I just buy one breast, which is more than enough for my family.  My out of pocket is about the same as a whole bird, but I will not have waste this way.
  • Most important, ENJOY your family and friends.  Don’t forget to let them know just how thankful you are to have them in your life!

After I took the video and put the food  away I realized the Turkey breast I bought did have rib bones in it…which explains why it rang up for only $1.00 a lb.  (Just in case you didn’t already know, yes we are in the middle of a huge kitchen remodel… which explains the sheetrock walls.) Thanks again Walmart!

Listed below are the recipe that I talked about in the video….


Sweet Potato Casserole click here

IMG_0558Veggie Penwheels click here

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