Walmart Deal on Airwick

Thanks to Jennifer for passing this deal along

I went shopping at WalMart on Thursday evening and found the Air Wick compact i-motion (both oil and spray) on sale for $5 each. With the $4 off coupons it made them $1 each. I purchased one a week ago and was looking for the refills. I found it was cheaper to just by the entire starter kit than the refills so I was able to stock up for a reasonable price. I don’t know if they are $5 at every Walmart or if was just the Caldwell one but I thought I would pass it along

She also sent this along

I have an idea for an item and it’s ok if you laugh.

I went to Sandpoint last weekend and ended up at a gas pump that didn’t auto stop. Needless to say the overflow of gas onto my car, tires and unfortunately my shoes was going to make for a VERY long ride home. I had stopped in at the WalMart in Sandpoint and had 1 of the free glade soy candle coupons left so I picked one up and it was in the car. My daughter held it to her nose until the gas smell evaporated. Since it was open I just placed it in the cup holder. Two days after we got home I got into my car to go to work and it smelled TERRIFIC! I didn’t even have to light the candle the heat inside the car activated the scent. Since it hadn’t been burned at all it was a little full so I just soaked some of the wax up with a kleenex and now I don’t have to worry about it spilling.

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