Each day we will be posting our readers “Pot of Gold”. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00  Gift Card For all the details click here.

My pot of gold is my son, in August 2010 we found out he has NF1 and many other medical problems that go with it, he turn five in October and is not able to go to school and has no friends that he is able to play with, Am home with him and my husband works to two jobs to help play the medcial bills. So alot of time it is just the two of us, we have ups and downs just like today when I start to loss it with my son, he come up to me and said mommy I love you and I just want to marry you, am sorry I will try better. I take a breath and say I love you too, your my ture love, I hug and kiss him. He will live with NF1 the rest of his and the other problems that go with it, but I thank God that my son is here with me everyday.
Alicia H
My pot of Gold is my family, but especially my frugal husband, Danny. He has always had a knack for saving money, but especially loves to get things for free. He is always entering contests, playing radio and e-mail games for prizes and has had quite a bit of success. Since we both work full time and have 3 children, money is awlays tight. Our entire entertainment budget, and sometimes even our “gift” budget for special occasions (birthdays, anniversary and even Christmas) is almost entirely made up of what he wins. But other than his talents at winning games, he is the most loving, careing, thoughtful person I know. He is an amazing husband and father, and I don’t know what I would do without him. He is, and will always be, my Pot of Gold!
My husband and I started off the year great. We had just started trying to get pregnant in December and got pregnant the first month. So January 1st we were flying high, pregnant with our first child, and ready to begin a great year. Well, January 5th my husband’s mom had a brain aneurysm the size of a quarter and the doctors told us she might not make it. She went through a very risky brain surgery but made it. After 5 weeks in neuro-trama ICU, then to a rehab facility, she is now at home and doing well. Then,on February 17th, we lost our precious baby to a miscarriage. Several other difficult things have happened these past few months that left us asking God “Why?” It has been extremely difficult to say the least. But I am reminded today of just how blessed we are. I have a loving, caring, wonderful husband who has been so supportive during this time. Our mom is alive and doing well. We have a roof over our heads, good cars to drive, great jobs, wonderful friends and family, a great church family, and a really sweet puppy to lick away our tears. Despite all that we have been through this year, I can honestly say that God has blessed us more than we deserve!


Keep your pot of gold moments coming!!! What are you grateful for?

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