Wouldn’t it be cool to have a view from your hotel like this picture? So you never know what luck may bring. Most people think that giveaways are not worth their time. Guess what happened today? Back in the fall of last year, Matt entered a giveaway put on by JetBlue. We thought nothing of it. Entered and forgot about it till we got a congratulations notice today. We just won the grand prize giveaway for 2 to Aruba. The photo above is the view from our hotel! Hotel at the Westin Resort, Airfare by JetBlue, and Hertz car rental for 4 days are all included! So its trips like this that prove that if you enter enough contest, eventually the odds are on your side! We are turning in the paperwork that they needed, and I have already contacted the promotions director on the phone to confirm. We are so excited. We have till Feb, 2011 to go use the vouchers. So we will have to plan a trip in the next year, I am going to have to get a pass port….something that I never thought I would need. Yes, I know I am a small town girl, that does not get out much!
3 Years ago I entered in a contest for a trip to Texas…and ended up being the grand prize winner, we also won our flat screen TV from a drawing. My brother told me it didn’t seem fair cause I always seem to win. But I asked him if ever takes the time to sign up for freebies or trips and he said….no it is a waste of time. HELLO you have to enter, yes MOST the time we do not win….but sometimes we do!!!
So if you want to enter giveaways like we did Click Here. Now this isn’t the same company but it is similar! Try it for yourself. And keep trying! We’ll post more contest like this later.