Wordless Wednesday


IMG_6135My oldest daughter is 5, and last month learned how to make microwave mac and cheese.  She thinks its lots of fun.  Well yesterday little Maleeya decided she was a big girl too, and was going to make her own lunch  ( without asking mommy first).  She got herself a pack of mac and cheese, and just slapped the whole thing in the microwave, and hit start.

It instantly started sparking, and zapping and caught on fire, all I saw was my three year old with her hands over her ears, screaming in terror running full speed out of the room.  I walked in to see my microwave, smoking with flames inside.  (sorry did not get a photo, at that point I was more worried about saving my house from the flames).  I ran in got the flames out… ( just two little ones, but lots of smoke).

Once things calmed down a bit, I heard Maleeya say….”wow my mac-n-cheese was super hot”.  Yes we then had a long talk about NOT using the microwave.


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