Wordless Wednesday…. I “mell” something 3/16


Working from home allows me lots of time with my little ones.  Often they are literally on me or beneath me…this week I had Maleeya behind me playing hairdresser while I was working at my desk, Maveric had been up and down off my lap but had crawled underneath my desk.

Maleeya pops her little head right in front of my face, and says….. um Mommy I “Mell” (smell) something, do you have gum in your mouth?  Taking her little hands and pulling my mouth open to check for gum….. Mommy your mouth is empty what is that “mell”?

Looking down I see little Maveric in his little “fort” under my desk.  He had found a package of floss, popped it open and put the floss on his thumb.

He was happily sucking on  the minty floss, and rather proud of his yummy find.

Then back to my lap he went…. Maleeya was right, she did “mell” something.

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