It is a tradition in Matt’s family to give each child their own nativity set on their 3rd Christmas. This way they can set it up, tell us the story of Jesus and play with it all month and not be told ” don’t touch the nativity”. I love this tradition and the kids are really proud of their own set.
Matthews set above, Mckeelys set below
Notice both sets are missing baby Jesus. Matthew was very upset that he was missing.
Maleeya…saw he was upset and with a big smile said ” Baby, sleep, tree”
She had taken both baby’s and put them under the Christmas tree skirt….she said they were sleeping.
She did not want us to wake them…we had to be very quite. Matthew was laughing so hard at his little sister….we all thought it was pretty cute.
Finally it was time for them to wake up…she put them back. I love how her little mind works….this is why I love to be a stay at home Mom!