With the holidays coming up and the baking I know I’ll be doing, I decided to purchase a couple of the Fleischmann’s 3/pk yeast. We received a coupon within the last month or so for $.40/1 – 3/pk. Since we received doublers today I decided to purchase three. At the end of the transaction, it printed out a $.50 off OYNO catalina for EACH packet I purchased. My transaction went as follows:
3 – Fleishmann’s 3/pk yeast @ $1.29/each
3 – $.40/1 coupons
3 – twice the value coupons
= ttl OOP $1.47 + tax
received 3 – $.50 catalinas
Total = FREE with a $.03 overage
The Caldwell stadium Albertson’s only had a few of these left.
Thanks Jennifer for this find!