Strawberry Shortcake


Ok it’s Matt. I love Strawberry Shortcake. Yes I made this my self. It’s really simple but takes a little time.

Take some strawberries. Slice off the stem. Then cut in to slices at least 1/4 in thick. Too thin and they will get really limp and old looking.


Get a box angel food cake. A lot of times you can get this for 50 cents a box. Cook it based on directions on the box. I like to use the round cake pan, So you can always borrow one from a neighbor. Thanks Linda


While the cake is cooking, add quite a bit of powder sugar. You can use normal granular sugar, but it takes longer to dissolve. Add enough powder sugar to thickly cover the strawberries into a white dry paste. Don’t bother squashing the strawberries to make juice. Just add the sugar, and cover and put back in the fridge. Wait a bout 15 min, go back and add more sugar to make a thick white covering over the strawberries. You will notice juice beginning to form in the bowl. Cover and place back in the fridge till the cake is cool.  The sugar causes the strawberries to sweat and will create its own topping. As seen in the top photo.  You could even add chocalte syrup for a fancy treat. Top with whip cream or cool whip, Enjoy!img_0662

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