11 years of being married to my best freind

11 years ago today on 8/11, I married my best friend….. I was blessed to find someone who loved me for who I was. But also inspired and supported me to grow as well.  Which is totally what I needed, because if you know me personally you know that trying new things or change is NOT my favorite thing.  But when Matt is by my side I feel safe, and know we can get thru it.

I was head over heals in love with Matt the day this photo was taken and thought he was pretty much perfect. I was  eager to start our fairly tale life and live happily ever after.  Well the good news is I am still head over heals in love with him, and even better news I still like him as well…. but  it is clear neither one of us are perfect.  And the real success of the last 11 years is making it thru those challenging days that end on your knees, asking the Lord to help keep us on track, and the strength to carry on…. And remembering that giving 100% is worth it when that means I get to spend my life with my best friend.

I have also learned that Matts love languages are much different than mine, he need words of affirmation and physical touch…. where I am much more private and feel love thru acts of kindness (aka doing the dishes or folding laundry …sad but true).  So as awkward as this may be for me to publicly  express my  feeling ….. I am happy to do it, to let my Sweetheart know how much I love him, and how lucky I am to be married to my best friend.



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