Each day we will be posting A Thrifty Halloween Tip, from our readers. At the end of the month, one of you will win a $25.00 Visa Gift Card. For all the details click here. Keep those thrifty tips coming!!!
Matthew Loves the Wiggles, an Australian Kids group that sings and dances. Most of the guys actually even have a degree in “Early Childhood Development”. Matthew has always request to watch the Wiggles after his surgery’s. He always want to sing along with the Wiggles after he comes home from school. Visit here to see the photos from when we meet the Wiggles.
One of our readers sent in this Halloween tip:
Last year, my son didn’t want to wear a costume (looks like this year too). He likes the Wiggles, so I used a red long sleeve shirt and his black pants he already had then found the Wiggles logo online and printed it on a big label and cut out. This was so easy and cost pennies, just the ink I already had. He loved the idea and I was happy…low cost and still a costume!
Thanks So much for that great idea!
Here are some more photos of our Matthew with Murray from the Wiggles: