Adjusting the price of a COUPON

Trouble with adjusting the coupon down?

This week at Walgreens they have Ritz crackers on sale for buy one at $1.99 and get one free.
You can combine this deal with a $2 off 2 manufacturer coupon making these free!
I ?bought mine with no problem, the cashier just put the value of my coupon in as $1.99 instead of $2.00, but ?I have gotten several emails from my reader telling me they were not able to use the coupon.?
I had a problem trying to buy the Ritz crackers tonight at Walgreen’s. I had 4 boxes and 2 coupons. She rang all my stuff up. Then as she was scanning my coupons, she said it wouldn’t ring up my 2nd coupon. She said that after the first coupon, there was only $1.98 left and since the coupon was for $2, it wouldn’t let her do it. I asked her if it should just go against the total purchase … because I was owing more than 2 cents. She said it goes per item. So, she gave me back my coupon and I ended up paying $1.98 for 4 boxes … not really the deal I was hoping for!”

??I called Customer Service several times about it, but being that it was not MY transaction they were not able to help much. ?They told me it was a problem with the coupon, I asked if they could price adjust it , and they would not give me an answer. ?
This morning I saw that my blog friend Momsbyheart had posted a letter from Walgreens Corporate office telling them that yes you can price adjust a coupon down to the value of the item. ?Click here for your own copy. I will print his out and carry it with me in my coupon binder that way if this happens I will be able to show the cashier, the corporate policy.
SO the cashier needs to lower the value of the coupon from $2 to $1.99 and it will work fine.

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