Debt Free Zone – part 2

debt freeSo as I mentioned in the last post, it seems that it is harder to find good budgeting advise and software to go with it. You can read more on my first post here. I have no accounting education background, and I actually do not like math, it was my worst subject. I have no degree in financial education or advising. So legally I can not help you. But what I can tell you is how to budget, how we got debt free, and what we currently budget with. Experience is all I have.

I mentioned before how I used note pads and a ruler to plot out my bills and credit card debt over $10,000. Every day I would sit down and evaluate where we were financially. We were able to scrimp and save and live a thrifty lifestyle long before we ever thought of running a thrifty blog. So how do we plan our budget now? Like before I hate the idea of charging people to learn how to be thrifty and live on a budget. Many programs both online, consulting and software all charge you flat fees and subscriptions. But with it is all free and comprehensive. You can plan a budget, set goals and review and add all of your financial institutions and accounts. It updates and recompile’s itself on a routine basis. You can track your spending, get updates when things are purchased, and when payments are received. will send you reminders on a schedule that you set up. It gives you tips to save and ways to plan for the future.

We have every thing set up with them. Our mortgage, our investments and incomes, our bills and utilities, checking and savings, everything. You may ask about it’s security and how it protects its data? Well is a sub-company of Intuit, the makers of Quickbooks and Turbo Tax. They have an excellent security program already in place.

You can check out and see if it fits you. Don’t be to prideful to think you can do it all on your own. SO much happens in our life that it makes it near impossible to manage everything. This is why we use In my next post we will explain how to get things set up if you think this is something for you.

If you have debt – don’t feel like you are trapped. There are steps available to get out of the incredible weight of financial burden. Follow along in my mini-series of post, to start your path in a new thrifty living life. Being “thrifty” is so much more then couponing!

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