Do freebies really show up?


I had one of my new readers tell me that she signs up for the free offers but nothing ever shows up.  She was  wondering if anyone really gets the freebies?  To answer  her question, yes the freebies really do show up, most of them do take at least 6-8 weeks to ship.  I get freebie in my mailbox almost everyday.   I get a lot of free magazines, and coupons the free sample  come about 3-4 times a month.  The photo above is what I have recived the last 2 weeks.

Here are our most recent post on Free and Great Deals.. Check them out

Before you sign up for these make sure you read myFREEBIES 101 post.
Older offers that are still good

I try to keep them updated the best I can, but if you find an offer that is no longer valid please let me know so I can remove it from  the list.

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