Halloween Eye Donut Treats ~ Easy Halloween Party Food

Halloween eye donut snacks, donuts, halloween, treats, snacks, halloween treats, thrifty treat ideas, thrifty Halloween ideas

Halloween Eye Donut Treats

Its time to start thinking Halloween! There are so many great ideas, snacks and crafts out there for this time of year. It is easy to get carried away… these treats are so simple that you can’t go wrong! No weird ingredients or complicated steps, just a few simple ingredients.

You will need:

Powdered donuts

gummy life savers

plain m&ms (brown)

red piping icing with a small tip

thick icing to attach the pupil to the donut (not pictured)

Halloween eye donut snacks, halloween, treats, snacks, donuts, halloween treats, thrifty treat ideas, thrifty Halloween ideas

Cut the tip off of your red icing. You want to cut a very small tip off. Too big will make your lines too large.

I placed my m&m inside the gummy candy to help hold it still better. Be sure the m side is down so it doesn’t show. Simply place on top of your donut. If you are planning on serving these or carrying them around, you will want to secure it with a little icing.

Halloween eye donut snacks, donuts, halloween, treats, snacks,thrifty treat ideas, halloween treats, thrifty Halloween ideas

Take your red icing and pipe little veins around the donut. Eyes have veins and you want it to look as creepy as you can. It is Halloween after all! If you would like to make it extra gory, you could also puddle some red icing to look like blood around the “pupil”.

Halloween eye donut snacks, donuts, halloween, snacks, halloween treats,treats, thrifty treat ideas, thrifty Halloween ideas

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55 Easy Ideas for HALLOWEEN 

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