Thanks to Utah Deal Diva for passing along this great info,
I’m working with several individuals right now at Albertson’s and Kraft in trying to figure this out. They are all concerned and are trying to get to the bottom of this! If you’ve had issues, feel free to leave a comment on this post- they’ll see it!
Three pieces of critical information:
Depending on how your store’s receipt shows coupons,
I spoke with several individuals at Kraft and they confirmed that they WILL NOT honor a $20 rebate request if any of the items purchased are non-participating items.
The list below reflects the participating items and sizes. You can also print a copy here. I suggest taking a copy with you and very carefully make sure you get the correct items listed.
Here is a list of items that are on the Albertson’s ad, but are unknown whether or not you’ll receive the $20 mail-in rebate if you purchase them:
- Nabisco Go Packs, $1
- Kraft Chips Ahoy cookies, 16 oz variety
- Kraft Grated Parmesan cheese, any variety
- Velveeta 1lb or 2 lb blocks
- Kraft Jell-O or Pudding, boxed variety (only 6-packs included)
- Nabisco Honey Maid Bees, Smores or Morning Sticks variety crackers
- Kraft Velveeta Shells & Cheese Dinner or Deluxe Macaroni & cheese, (anything over 7.25 oz)
- Planters Mixed Nuts (only varieties 9.25 oz and over are included)
- A-1 Steak Sauce, any varieties
- General Food Intl Coffee Drink Mix
$25 Total, Before or After Coupons: If your store displays all the coupons redeemed at the bottom of the receipt, then you will be able to submit your rebate for $25 BEFORE coupons. However, if your store displays the coupon right after the line-item amount, then you will have to add up to $25 AFTER coupons.
I think most of us at least here in Utah should still be able to do the $25 before coupons. The only store around here that shows the coupon after the line item is Target.
Rebate address: There are 2 different addresses right now- one for Texas, the other for Ohio.
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